eaves diagram

Eaves Repairs and Replacement Perth

Your eave soffits and fascia boards, are connected to your roof & protect your home’s exterior from water damage. If they’re damaged or not installed properly, they can let rainwater into the walls of your house. If you’re planning a major renovation, consider replacing your old wood eave soffits with newer, more durable options like aluminum or composite soffits.

Have you noticed that the eaves have cracks and gaps in them?

You should have noticed that the eaves have cracks and gaps in them. If you don’t know what eaves are, let me explain. The eaves are the edges of your roof that overhang from either side of your home. They protect your walls and windows from direct sunlight and precipitation.

If you have cracks or gaps in your eaves, it’s not a good sign at all! Damage occurs on those parts of your roof, eventually leaking water into your home when it rains hard.

Eaves should be built for performance as well as for aesthetics.

Eaves are not just for looks. Eaves also serve a critical function in protecting your home from weather elements like wind and rain. As such, it’s essential to build them with performance in mind as well as aesthetics.

Eaves that are poorly constructed or do not have adequate support can become damaged over time, exposing you and your loved ones to unnecessary danger while making your home look less appealing than it should be.

Improperly installed or rotting eaves are a severe problem.

If your eaves are rotten, it’s a severe problem. The weight of the roof can cause them to collapse on you or crush your expensive landscaping. You may not see any damage until after heavy rain when water seeps into your walls and causes even more damage to the interior.

Of course, this isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s also costly. If you want to prevent additional water damage and save money on future repairs, call RCI Perth today for a free quote on a new eave installation!

When you need new eaves, we’re the company to call. We offer high-quality products and installation services at affordable prices.

Replace wood eave soffits with aluminum.

Aluminum soffits are a great alternative to wood. They’re more durable, easier to install, and paintable.

Aluminum is the way to go if you’re looking for a long-term solution to your soffit problem. It’s more durable than wood and easier to maintain, so that it will last longer.

Consider building a new extension with aluminum soffits and fascias if you plan to add to your home.

Aluminum soffits and fascias are available at home improvement stores. Aluminum is a material that lasts longer than wood, but it’s also lighter.

If you’re planning an addition to your home, consider building a new extension with aluminum soffits and fascias.

When it comes to aluminum soffits, there are two types you can choose from: extruded and corrugated. Extruded aluminum soffits are the most common material used for this project. The second type is corrugated aluminum soffit panels, which have more depth than extruded ones.

Tie in your eave soffits with the siding on the rest of your house.

Tie in your eave soffits with the siding on the rest of your house.

If you’re replacing an existing eave, match up the texture, color, and finish of your new shingles or shake siding with your existing siding. This is especially important when installing vinyl and aluminum siding (which likely have a smooth surface) along with cedar shakes or slate tiles (which tend to be rough).

You can also use eave soffits as an opportunity to add some character to your home. For example, if you’re installing cedar shake siding on the rest of your house, consider using a different species of wood for the soffit. This will help create visual interest in an otherwise plain area and give it more personality.

Use gutter splash guards to deflect water away from eave soffits and fascia boards.

You can protect your eaves from water damage by using gutter splash guards. Gutter splash guards are a great way to deflect water away from the soffit and fascia boards, which will help prevent rot. There are different types of splash guards that you can install on your gutters:

  • Straight-angle gutter guard is installed on the front edge of your roof where it meets the eave. It’s made of plastic or metal and fits snugly against the front edge of your roofing material between two courses of shingles or panels, keeping debris out while allowing water to flow freely.
  • The curved-front gutter guard comes in metal and plastic versions; these have curved fronts that extend beyond each side so as not to interfere with sheetrock installations behind them as they do their job at deflecting rainwater away from eave soffits and fascia boards (and ultimately onto roofs below).

Are the boards and shingles warped, cracked, loose, or damaged? Are they missing any nails?

The first point of inspection is to check the gutters for damage. If your gutters are damaged, it could mean your roof will leak and cause damage to the interior of your home. Before you start repairs, inspect the following items:

  • Are the boards and shingles warped, cracked, loose, or damaged? Are they missing any nails?
  • How old are they? Do any sections appear to be newer than others?
  • Is there visible mold in these areas of your roof that still need to be replaced (for example, around vent pipes)?

The eaves are essential for your roof.

The eaves are the portion of the roof that extends over the walls of your house. Eaves can be made from many materials, including wood, metal, or stone.

Eaves protect your home from rain, snow, and ice by diverting water away from them. Eaves also help maintain a dry space around your foundation by preventing dirt and debris from getting into contact with it.


We hope you found this article helpful! If you need any questions answered about the process, please contact us at RCI Perth. We look forward to working with you on your eave soffits and fascia needs.

2 replies
  1. James Whiley
    James Whiley says:

    I have eaves that are currently empty around the tiled section of my house. I would like eave supply + installation. Can you provide this for me? Please contact me via email or mobile: 0466879457. Thanks.

  2. Chun hee kwon
    Chun hee kwon says:

    I want to replace the eaves sheets.
    My house eaves are asbestos, but I will organise to remove asbestos
    I need new eave boards.
    Pls contact me 0433 368 131
    453 Morley drive Moey


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